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Updated: May 22, 2023

Fighting for peace

Costa Rica takes pride in its history and conservationism! An extensive effort in preserving the natural resources enclosed within 51,100 km2, and holding around 6% of the world’s biodiversity. Costa Rica began reversing deforestation in the 1990s, and they are moving towards using only renewable energy. One of the highlights of our nation, is the abolition of the military force back on December 1st, 1948, by the year 1949 the complete abolition was introduced in Article 12, of the Costa Rican Constitution. From here on the military budget was invested in education and health care.

Not only does the country invest in green initiatives, but the culture has also been shaped around this idea of conservation and efforts in individual communities through activism. You will find nature, culture, and a tight correlation between a history of peace and the Pura Vida vibe!

Because it’s green...

The well-established system of conservation areas and national parks makes Costa Rica a popular travel destination since the 1980s. Protecting around 23.4% of the territory, is the largest percentage in the world, ensuring the conservation of important ecosystems and species.

Apart from the amazing natural resources, plenty of beaches sits both in the Pacific and the Caribbean Sea. In the middle, you will find 6 different types of forest, 120 volcanoes, 32 National Parks, 51 Wildlife refuges, and 21 Biological and Forest Reserves. This is without counting the Private Biological Reserves and projects. By the early 1990s, Costa Rica became known as the poster child of ecotourism, holding its title to the day, in efforts of transitioning from fossil fuels to green energy.

More than 99% of Costa Rica’s energy comes from renewable resources. According to the National Center for Energy Control, Costa Rica has been running on more than 98 percent renewable energy since 2014. Around 67.5% comes from hydropower, 17% wind power, and 13.5% from geothermal sources, lastly 0.84% from solar panels.

For the People

A mixture of our indigenous roots, colonial descendants, and the great influence of the Caribbean encloses a colorful range of culinary flavors, sounds, and textures. We are blessed with amazingly fertile land. Some of the main products are coffee, corn, cacao, potatoes, cassava, sugar cane, beans, rice, and pineapple. A lot of our cuisine is based on these products, some are part of our indigenous descent, and others an introduction of Spaniard especially spices and domestic animals.

Although the Caribbean influence was introduced during the 19th century a lot of its power has impacted our cuisine and culture. The colorful province of Limon holds carnivals, drum sounds, and intricate attire inspired by nature's colors.

An important part of our history and present, our indigenous people comprises around 2.4% of the population. These individual groups strive to preserve their tradition and languages alive. In 1977, the Indigenous Law was established, which created reserves to protect their territory.

Due to the geographical location, the area was divided into two cultural areas, the Mesoamerican and the Andean, stretching back to 10.000 years before the arrival of the Spaniards.

The main 8 ethnic groups are:

Boruca, southern Costa Rica

Bribri, southern Atlantic coast

Cabécar, Cordillera de Talamanca

Guaymí, southern Costa Rica, along the Panamá border

Huetar, Quitirrisí

Maleku, northern Alajuela

Matambú or Chorotega, Guanacaste

Térraba or Teribe, also called Naso, southern Costa Rica

Being a small country it is easy to explore different areas, and subcultures within the culture. You get to discover amazing biodiversity in flora and fauna, as well as a unique experience navigating through

Because we travel differently…

Among the reasons people travel within and to Costa Rica, we find a variety of options for different travelers, our main type of tourism is Ecotourism which encloses a variety of activities to enjoy untouched natural areas, promotes conservation, and the well being of local communities through green practices. Costa Rica is the pioneer in these practices, a big percentage of tourists travel to visit National Parks and Protected areas.

The alternative tourism offered in Costa Rica can be divided into ecotourism, adventure activities that keep our visitors physically active, hiking, ziplining, canyoning, and rafting. Rural tourism, sustainable tourism, and solidarity tourism are other main reasons we get visitors, this involves traveling to get involved in local communities, local governments, and projects regarding sustainability, conservation, social justice.

Cultural and rural tourism is also taking the spotlight, although slow, many communities are adapting their economies around showing their way of living to foreigners, not only does it take you to a more realistic side of the country, is also the best way to immerse ourselves in the reality of everyday life for a lot of Costa Ricans. This time of immersive experiential travel will allow us to see up close and engage in traditions, history, culture, and food.

In the last year's wellness tourism has also taken the spotlight to promote health via physical, psychological, or spiritual activities. You can find wellness centers offering different activities and programs focusing on yoga, meditation, sacred rituals, and organic foods.

By supporting all these types of tourism, the travelers are directly helping sustainability and the preservation of many cultural, historical, and natural treasures.

Our gold is green

Many efforts are made to ensure the conservation, protection, and recovery of species within the country. You can help by donating, visiting our National Parks, sharing with others. The key to sustainable tourism is not only to share but to take a part in this philosophy with you. Adopt green practices in your everyday life, appreciate nature and its inhabitants, who play a key part in the balance of the ecosystem. You can relax, learn, discover and travel within this small treasure chest, wherever you go you will find a collection of rare colorful wild creatures ready to amaze you.

Remember we will be ready to help you explore and decipher along with certified guides and a local authentic experience. From ocean explorations to nature expeditions, and thrilling adventures, we’ve got you covered! For more information about our shuttles in Costa Rica, call us at +506 2656-0920 or email or fill out our contact form.

Here are some projects you can help, share or simply learn about! From small big local efforts such as the Macaw Recovery Project, Asociación Corales and many rescue centers like Stop the Shocks. To a more broad projects lead by government institutions as MINAE, Departamento de Desarrollo Sostenible y Conservación del Medio Ambiente, CONAGEBIO Comisión Nacional para la Gestión de la Biodiversidad, Global Nature Fund, Asociación Corredor Biológico Talamanca Caribe (ACBTC), Asociación Latin American Sea Turtles (LAST), Fundación MarViva, CCT Costa Rica and many others.

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